The George A. Wyman Memorial Project is pleased to announce the installation of the Wyman memorial plaque at the Cheyenne Depot. On June 4, 1903, Wyman arrived in Cheyenne about 10:30 at night. He took his motorcycle to the baggage room of the Union Pacific Depot for storage before seeking lodging. Read his account of
June 4 - Across America on a Motor Bicycle.
Today, the
Cheyenne Depot Museum is the
"Heart of Cheyenne History" It is Cheyenne's premier visitor and information center. Pictured here is the Wyman memorial plaque displayed in the very baggage room he stored his motorcycle those many years ago.
Baggage room display at the Cheyenne Depot Muesum |
Cheyenne Depot Visitor & Information Center |
The George A. Wyman Memorial Project thanks Doug and Karen Leath, sponsors of the Wyman memorial plaque, Journey and Waypoint poster displays at the Cheyenne Depot.
Doug & Karen Leath
Motorcycle Tourer's Forum Members |
Gift Shop entrance
Cheyenne Depot Museum |