"Linking the Past to the Present to Enrich the Future"
Long-Distance riding, motorcycle touring and vintage motor-bicycle enthusiasts, from around the world, owe a debt of recognition to the legacy of the first long-distance motorcyclist. Let's work together. Join the Project to remember George!
Become a Sponsor of The George A. Wyman Memorial Project. Sponsorship is open to individuals, groups, clubs, organization and businesses, especially motorcycle and bicycle dealerships*. Sponsor the Project at one or more levels: Plaque, Waypoint, Research and Support. Current Sponsor List
Plaque - $500 These beautiful 11" by 8" plaques are produced by Franklin Bronze Plaque in Pennsylvania and are designed for exterior or interior mounting. With a donation of $500 or more, we will have a Wyman Memorial Plaque cast with your name on the "Dedicated by" line at the bottom. Example: "Dedicated by Long D. Rider, Iron Butt Association Member, ####" Next, you get to select from the list of available locations where your sponsored Memorial Plaque is to be mounted. We have identified over 50 locations along Wyman's 1903 route where mounting a Memorial Plaque is appropriate. There will be only one sponsor to a plaque location. Select a Wyman waypoint location on the date of your sponsorship donation. Or, if it is still available, select it later. If you do not desire a specific location we will select the next available. Club, group, organization and business sponsorships are welcomed. Join today, decide on a location later.
Let's work together to mount a Wyman Memorial Plaque, dedicated in your name, at the location of your choice.
Waypoint - $100 Our goal is to mount a Wyman Waypoint sign at each of the 160 locations along his 1903 route. We want to do for the motorcycle community what the "Lincoln Highway Association" and "Historic US Route 66" organizations have done for the automobile public. A donation of $100 or more, puts your name on our website list of sponsors for a specific Wyman Waypoint location. You may pick any Waypoint from the Grand Tour list. Waypoint locations can have multiple sponsors. You can sponsor additional locations with each additional donation of $100 or more. Club, group, organization and business sponsorships are welcomed. Join today, decide on a location later.
Let's work together to mount a Wyman Waypoint Sign at the location of your choice.
Waypoint Volunteer Program: Join the Project by taking on the mission to obtain authorized and secure mounting of a Wyman Waypoint sign and Wyman Memorial plaque at a location along Wyman's 1903 route. No Sponsorship donation needed, just volunteer your time and effort to coordinate with the community hosting authorities. Contact us: WymanMemorialProject@gmail.com
Research - $50 The extensive and on-going research of the Project has resulted in many new facts, specific locations, and new historical connections about Wyman's epic journey. A donation of $50 or more, will help the Project get access to historical documents, establish relationships with local historical societies and pay the fees associated with research and archiving. We are working to get what may be the last surviving copies of Wyman's original articles in "The Motorcycle Magazine", June - November, 1903, digitized by Internet Archive organization. This is turning out to be a time consuming and costly undertaking. But, the payoff will be spectacular for further research. With your support as a Research Sponsor, we can do more.
Let's work together to enrich the record of the first motorized vehicle journey across America.
Support Sponsor - $25 A yearly donation of $25 or more, helps to support the Project during the year. Telling the Wyman story takes time, effort and money. Whether it is making brochures, stickers, copies, mailings or renting a Post Office Box, it always seems to take money. Yearly Support sponsorship is recognized through the end of the next Wyman Memorial period, July 6th.

With your donation of $25, we will send you a Wyman Journey poster of your own. Hang it at home or donate it to your local motorcycle dealership to help spread the Wyman story.
Non Sponsor donation in any amount are gratefully accepted.
Let's work together to support the efforts of The George A. Wyman Memorial Project.
Friends of George Stickers - Sponsors of all levels will receive a complimentary "Wyman Waypoint" sticker suitable for helmets, panniers or windscreens. These engineer grade 3M reflective stickers measure 2" X 3" and are exact replicas of the Wyman Waypoint signs.
Supporting Organizations and Communities (See Community Hosting Information)
The Iron Butt Association, "World's Toughest Motorcycle Riders"
Team Strange Airheads "In Memory of Eddie James, IBA #71"
Evanston Historical Preservation Commission, City of Evanston, WY
Hall Bicycle Company, Cedar Rapids, IA
Janus American Motorcycle, Goshen, IN
Motor-Assisted Bicycle community
SpotWalla, Secure Personal Locator for the LD community
Ride Master, LD Ride event management
Schein & Schein, Antique Maps and Prints, Marti Wyman Schein, co-owner
Wheels Through Time, The Museum That Runs!
How your donations are put to work - Your generous tax-deductible donations pay for only Project direct expenses, related materials, services and fees to mark the points along Wyman's 1903 route, support the historical research or to help spread the Wyman story. The volunteer Officers and Staff of the Project do not receive compensation or reimbursement for time, travel or indirect expenses.
Tax Deductibility - The George A. Wyman Memorial Project, Inc., is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization engaging in historical preservation and educational activities (47-3332474). The Project will acknowledge all tax-deductible donations in writing, through the USPS or via email attachment. Check with your financial advisor on how to report charitable deduction on your Federal or state income tax returns.
* We would like to publically recognize your sponsorship by listing your name, but not amount of your donation, on the Project Sponsor page for the level your select. Please email us at WymanMemorialProject@gmail.com if you do not want us to publically recognize your sponsorship. Iron Butt Association members may request to have their IBA number associated with sponsorship. The Project respects your privacy and will not share the contact information of our Sponsors with anyone. The George A. Wyman Memorial Project reserves the right to review, accept or reject donations and applications for sponsorship.